AMS - PME Student Poster Session (3:00 PM - 4:30 PM PT)
Topological Data Analysis and its Application to Drift Wave Turbulence
Sage Stanish
College of William & Mary
00 General and overarching topics; collections
A flow network model to track Covid infection through time
Andrew Zhang
Wayzata High School
05 Combinatorics
The Other Side of the Fence: Existing Obesity Rates & Predatory Location Choice of New Fast Food Chain Franchisees
Ryka Chopra
William Hopkins Junior High School
91 Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences
Laplacian Eigenvalues of Bipartite Kneser-Like Graphs
Brandon Lee
University of Texas at El Paso
DNA Coding Theory
Dashleen Gonzalez
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
%-Immanants and Kazhdan-Lusztig Immanants
Dawei Shen
Washington University In St. Louis
Riordan Array Representations of Catastrophe Paths
Jai James
American University
Symmetry Parameters in Kneser Graphs
James Garrison
Hampden-Sydney College
On the Distance Spectra of Extended Double Stars
Jerry Tan
The Structural Incidence Problem for Cartesian Products
Junxuan Shen
California Institute of Technology
Generalized Two-player Pebbling Games on Simple Graphs
Kayla Barker
Stockton University
Induced-Saturation with Star Graphs
Kevin Hua
Pomona College
Using Graph Coloring to Measure Network Reliability
Mason Nakamura
Marist College
Induced Matching Game on Graphs
Michael Rivera
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez
Enumerating Polyominoes on the Torus and Other Finite Surfaces
Naftoli Kolodny
Suny Binghamton
Partitioning, Propagation Time, and Determination of End States for Multi-Color Forcing in Graphs
Nicholas Radley
La Salle University
Counting weighted maximal chains in the circular Bruhat order
Olivia McGough
Reed College
Laplacian Simplices Associated to Graphs
Paige Allen
Lewis University
Spinors and Graph Theory
Thomas Meyer
Amherst College
Markov Models for the Tipsy Cop and Robber Game on Graphs
Viktoriya Bardenova
Florida Gulf Coast University
Subsums of Random Numbers
Yifan Zhang
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Searching for Ideals in Hypercube Posets
Madelyn Kisner
06 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures
Investigating a Graph Theory Game
Eric Burkholder
Valparaiso University
102 Recreational mathematics
The Pop operator on m-Tamari lattices
Letong Hong
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Topology and Ecology: Deducing States of the Upper Mississippi River System
Killian Davis
Clemson University
104 Wider issues
Overpartitions and Quantum Modular Forms
Anna Dietrich
11 Number theory
Supersingular Loci from Traces of Hecke Operators
Kevin Gomez
Vanderbilt University
Musical Polybius Cipher: Encryption and Composition
Nayma Rodriguez-Huerta
St. Edward's University
Actions and Factorizations
Gradmar Maldonado Marti
UPR Mayagüez
13 Commutative algebra
Hilbert Series of Invariants of
Michael Shible
Rhodes College Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Factorizations in evaluation monoids of Laurent semirings
Sophie Zhu
A 3D printed Arduino powered electronic Barth Sextic
Samantha Maurer
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
14 Algebraic geometry
On the Minimum Distance of Polar Hermitian Grassmann Codes
Sarah Gregory
University of Richmond
The Picard Group of a General Toric Variety In Higher Dimensions
Xiaorun Wu
Princeton University
Characterizing the Numerical Range of Block Toeplitz Operators
Maverick Lara
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Copositive Matrices, their Dual, and the Recognition Problem
Yuqiao Li
College of William and Mary
The Center of the Quantum Matrix Algebra at Roots of Unity
Thomas Lamkin
Miami University
16 Associative rings and algebras
Topological Entropy of Simple Braids
Luke Robitaille
Robitaille Homeschool
20 Group theory and generalizations
Characterization of Rectifiable Measures Carried by Lipschitz Graphs
Zichen Zhang
Macalester College
28 Measure and integration
Graphs, Adjacency Matrices and Stable Polynomials
Yang Hong
Bucknell University
32 Several complex variables and analytic spaces
Deep Learning Techniques for Solving Semilinear Parabolic Partial Differential Equations
Evan Davis
University of Wisconsin-Madison
35 Partial differential equations
Laplacian on the 2-Fibonacci Fractal at the Critical Angle
Suyi Gao
McDaniel College
Period Doubling Cascades from Models and from Data
Alexander Berliner
Department of Mathematics, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
37 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
A Mathematical Analysis of the Inhibition Stabilized Network
Artiom Bic
Manhattan College
Deconvolution of Temporally Under-Resolved Image Sequences for Coupled Dynamical Systems
Ben Maloy
Tufts University
The Finite Blocking Problem on Cyclic Covers of the Regular Octagon
Jessica Bennett
Brown University
Lill Paths and Beloch Squares
Hadley Vaughn
St. Edward’s University
12 Field theory and polynomials
Hyperbolicity in Asymmetrical Lemon Billiards
Rian Boutin
Fairfield University
Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of a Vibro-Impact Nonlinear Energy Sink With Poincare Map
Ruofeng Liu
Rice University
Reduction Algorithms in Volterra Integral Equations
Sarah Rosen
45 Integral equations
Investigations of Inequalities Related to Spectral Set Problems
Clare Bassano
47 Operator theory
Extension of McDougall’s Circle Theorem
Olivia Bouthot
Colorado College
51 Geometry
Existence of Numerical Semigroups on Faces of Kunz Polyhedra
Jessica Wang
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
52 Convex and discrete geometry
Characterizing Posets Associated to the Faces of the Kunz Polyhedron
Simon Foss
University of Chicago
Synthetic Geometry in Hyperbolic Simplices
Andrew Clickard
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
53 Differential geometry
The Top Dyer-Lashof Operation on the Bar Spectral Sequence of an iterated loop space
Sushanth Sathish Kumar
55 Algebraic topology
Braid Indices of 1-Bridge Braids
Dane Gollero
University of Utah
57 Manifolds and cell complexes
Equivalence in Discrete Morse Functions on Graphs
Eli Meyers
Research Science Institute
Large 1-systems of Curves in non-orientable surfaces
Julia Shneidman
Rutgers University
Automorphisms of the fine curve graph
Thi Phuong Anh Pham
The University of Texas at Dallas
Extensions of True Skewness for Unimodal Distributions
Christopher Wang
Columbia University
60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Recurrence on the Threshold Frog Model
Zoe McDonald
Boston University
American Option Pricing Based on Wavelet Denoised Machine Learning Methods
Benjamin Wu
Western Connecticut State University
62 Statistics
An Analysis of Classification Models Predicting Pancreatic Cancer Via Urinary Biomarker Panel
Jonah Silverman
Muhlenberg College
COVID-19, Climate and Socioeconomic Status in the United States: A Bayesian Analysis of County-Level Case Data
Jordan Bramble
University of Kansas
Improving Neural Network Training Using Sobolev Loss Functions
Aparna Gupte
65 Numerical analysis
Principal Component Analysis Based Method to Predict Temperatures
Kaitlyn Roberts
Western CT State University
A stable sampling method for inverse scattering from periodic structures
Kale Stahl
Kansas State University
COVID-19 Pandemic Analysis by the Volterra Integral Equation Models: A Preliminary Study of Brazil and South Africa
Kate Gilbert
Roger Williams University
Phase Retrieval from Local Measurements via Structured Lifting and Eigenvector-based Angular Synchronization
Nicole Baker
Oakland University
Interpreting Epigenetic Aging with Deep Neural Networks Using High Dimensional DNA Methylation Data
Hannah Guan
Basis San Antonio Shavano
68 Computer science
Implementation of LSTM Model in Financial Time Series Data Forecasting
Ian McCallum
The Power of Many: A Physarum Swarm Steiner Tree Algorithm
Sheryl Hsu
The Transferability of the Fast Gradient Sign Attack on Quantum Neural Networks
Vincent Li
Engineering Magnet Lattices to Manipulate Guided Acoustic Waves in Plate Like Structures
Olivia Lutterman
Carthage College
74 Mechanics of deformable solids
Predicting Startup Behavior of Heat Pipes and Vapor Chambers from a Frozen State
Chloe Shiff
Brandeis University
76 Fluid mechanics
Visualizing the Mathematics of Quantum Computing Using Qiskit
Nicholas Forman
St. Josephs' College, NY
81 Quantum theory
A post-quantum blockchain application in M-band Wavelet and Fresnel domain: A steganography based, decentralized, distributed ledger system
Sonok Mahapatra
Measuring Gerrymandering: Investigating the distributions of party ratios for districting techniques.
Amy Moore
Elon University
Emergence of expressed and private opinion discrepancies in online social networks under media influence
Christina Catlett
Scripps College
Statistical Teleodynamics Analysis of Emergent Equilibria in the Schelling Model
Jessica Shi
Some Limiting Problems in Utility Maximization
Nicholas Grabill
University of Michigan
An Adaptive Hegselmann–Krause Model of Opinion Dynamics
Phousawanh Peaungvongpakdy
Harvey Mudd College
A Topological and Non-Euclidean Dynamical Model of Biological and Viral Membranes
Alexander Novakovic
Boston University, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
92 Biology and other natural sciences
Simple stage-structured population models: An ODE approach based on reproductive potential
Ben Reale
Siena College
Image digitization and calculation of forces for osteocyte viscoelastic networks
Kausik Das
Herd Immunity Threshold in Small World Models
Madeline Slunt
University of Mary Washington
Intergral Projection Model of the Gizzard Shad (Dorosoma cependianum) Incorporating Winter Temperature
Mya Austin
Winona State University
Modeling SARS-CoV-2 to Predict its Effect on Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease (Worcester Polytechnic Institute REU in Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2021)
Olivia Tom
Surviving Ragnarok: Modeling Humanity’s Chance of Survival After a Major Disaster Event
Stephen Creamer
Wofford College
Characterizing POTS using mathematical modeling and machine learning
Teresa Jones
Virginia Wesleyan University
A mathematical model of combination therapies for organ transplantation
McKenna Kaczanowski
Ball State University
Within-host Model of Poliovirus Control by Defective Interfering Particles and Interferon
Wei Wang
William & Mary
Improving Bounds of Hermitian-Lifted Codes with their Automorphism Group
Eric Pabon-Cancel
94 Information and communication, circuits
A New Decoding Algorithm for Correcting Both a Single Insertion and Single Deletion Error in Helberg codes
Liam Busch
Rowan University
On Good Infinite Families of Toric Codes or the Lack Thereof
Ryan Martinez
Discourse Sheaves to Model Opinion Dynamics on Watts-Strogatz Networks
Sarah Vermette
College of the Holy Cross
New Linear Codes from 2-Generator Quasi-Twisted Codes
Saurav Pandey
Kenyon College
Using Persistent Homology to Analyze the Topological Signature of William Shakespeare
Abbey Gobble
Rhodes College